Me: drawings
Born in Tokyo to a Japanese father and a Persian mother. I have a brother who is 5 years older.
My whole family moves to Sydney. Home videos indicate I generally spoke in Japanese but could understand when my mother spoke to me in Farsi.
The start of primary school. By this stage, I had become accustomed to speaking Japanese, Farsi and English at home
My parents decide to send me to a private selective school. It is probably around this time that I started becoming competitive with everything I did. I loved playing basketball and listening to 2pac.
The year I discover my passion for breakdancing (or rather, Bboying). It became an important part of my life for years to come and an important way for me to express myself. My confidence shot up.
I graduate from high school with marks which place me in the top 1% of the state. I was able to get into my university of choice to study a double commerce/law degree. That choice was somewhat influenced by my parents.
I decide to take a sabbatical year to learn a new language before starting university. I spend 10 months in Saumur (France) and discover my passion for photography, writing and travel.
I return to Sydney (Australia) to start 5 years of university. I work various jobs (including as a paralegal in a law firm) to fund all my travels, which was generally 3-4 times a year. I always preferred travelling alone and kept a record of my travels in a journal religiously.
The year I grow dreadlocks and explore the "creative" side of my brain. The only job I had during this year was mentoring young Japanese kids and teaching them all general school subjects. It paid well and I realised I enjoyed teaching.
I shave my head, attend a few interviews and land myself a summer clerkship (internship) at a global law firm in Sydney. They offer me a graduate position after the clerkship, and I accept it on the condition that I can start 2 years after I graduate from university.
I move to Paris to finish my last semester of law in a French university. All subjects were taken in French. After my graduation ceremony in Sydney, I go solo-travelling around the world on US$8 a day. I Couchsurfed for 90% of the trip, through India, the Middle East, Africa and South America for about 15 months. Taught myself Spanish along the way. Life changing times.
I return to Sydney after my travels and start my graduate position and work full time as a lawyer. I promise my dad that I would be a lawyer for at least 3 years (Japanese proverb: stay on every stone for 3 years). I travelled as much as I could when work permitted.
I decide to clear my mind and seek solitude. As a personal challenge to myself, I decide to trek alone to Kala Patthar (5,600 metres) and Everest Base Camp in wintertime. Spent a very lonely but unforgettable New Years Eve alone in front of Ama Dublam mountain on my way up. An incredible experience.
A major fork in my life. I resign from my law firm and decide to spice things up by moving to Berlin to try new things and broaden my skillset. I sell everything I own and move over. Within a few months, I land a job as Community Manager of a well-known coworking space and discover a whole new world.
After 2 years working closely with individuals and startups from different industries, I realise the need (and my passion) for storytelling. I decide to launch Mr. Tosh and within 2 months, already begin to work with over a dozen startups.